Are you ready for 4G or 5G?
On 1 December 2025, we're permanently shutting down 2G for both our consumer and business customers. We're switching our 2G network off, because fewer and fewer people use it. Internet and calls are now made via 4G or 5G. By shutting down 2G, we can improve and expand our 4G and 5G network. So we can make sure everyone’s calls and internet are fast, safe and stable. Including yours.
Are you a business customer?
Already using our 4G or 5G network?
You'll need 3 things: a suitable simcard, a 4G or 5G device, and the right settings.
1. The correct simcard
Very old simcards can't use our 4G and 5G networks. So make sure to check if your simcard can use 4G or 5G.
2. A 4G or 5G device
Want to browse or make calls on our 4G or 5G network? Then your phone has to be suitable for 4G or 5G.
Some phones can be used to browse via 4G and 5G, but you can't make 4G and 5G calls. So, check if it works on your device *).
3. The right device settings
Compatible device? Also check this:
*) We’re doing our best to list all 4G/5G devices. Can’t find yours on the list? And want to make sure you can use our 4G and 5G network for calls? Ask the seller or manufacturer of your device.
Need a new device?
Don't have a compatible device yet, but do want to call over 4G or 5G? There are 2 things you can do to make that happen. Buy a phone from us without a plan. Or renew your subscription with a new phone.
Buy a new phone without a subscription
Go to 1 of our stores. We're happy to help you choose and install your new device. Easy-peasy.
Renew with a new phone
Want to renew your subscription with a new device? Great choice! You'll know for sure that your phone works with our 4G or 5G network.
What if you don't do anything?
What's going to happen after 1 December 2025 depends on your device, simcard and settings. Check here to see what's the case for you.
In this case, you won't be able to use our network after 1 December 2025. And you won't be able to call, text or browse. Replace your simcard and/or your device before this date.
You won't be able to use our network after 1 December 2025. So you will no longer be able to call, text or browse. Your device needs to be able to connect to our network to make calls. If it can't do that, you won't be able to use internet either. Replace your device before 1 December 2025.
You won't be able to make calls after 1 December 2025. Changing your settings is a piece of cake!
Am I obligated to do something?
No, it's not required for you to do anything. But we do recommend you follow our advice. Else you'll run the risk of not being able to call, text and/or browse. Follow the 3 steps above and make sure you'll remain reachable.
Frequently asked questions about shutting down 2G
Your device is automatically set to 4G or 5G. But you can change this in just 2 steps. First check if your phone hasn't been set to 2G manually. Then set up 4G calling. And you're good to go!
Switching off 2G means your device won't work with our network from 1 December 2025. So you won't be able to make calls, send texts or use mobile data. It's important that you switch over to 4G or 5G in time. So replace your device before 1 December 2025.
You can see this by calling someone and checking whether your device stays on the 4G or 5G network. This is visible on the top right of your smartphone's screen. Note: you will only see this if your wifi is switched off.
Or you can check our device checker to see if your phone is compatible.
Before switching off 2G, we'll make sure the 4G and 5G coverage in your region is good. So you're always reachable.
Yes, for as long as providers abroad continue to support 2G.
We inform everyone who needs a new simcard personally in a letter, e-mail and/or sms. You can also check it for yourself in our simcard checker.
Because we realize switching off 2G can have a large impact. So we want to give you enough time to prepare for this new technology and its introduction.